Canada Recruiting US H-1B holders

October 9, 2023 § Leave a comment

On July 16th, Canada started a new program that allowed H-1B holders in the United States to apply for a work permit in Canada. The permit allows holders to relocate to Canada and allows holders to work for many different employers for up to 3 years. Additionally, the permit holders can bring their spouses and dependents over and allows spouses and dependents to get work or study permits.

The original application was meant to stay open for a year or until there were 10,000 applicants, whichever came first. Within less than 48 hours from its opening, the application reached its 10,000 people limit. This overwhelming response is seen by many as a sign that many visa holders in the US are frustrated with the US immigration system. It is not clear yet how many of these 10,000 applicants will actually qualify or end up in Canada, but the government may reopen the application for any of the 10,000 spots not filled. Additionally, depending on the success of the program, the Canadian government may make the program a more permanent option for those with H-1B visas.

With the cap being reached so quickly, many people seeking potential relocation were not able to apply. Other programs and initiatives offer other ways to relocate to Canada. Under the Global Talent Stream, individuals may be referred to in-demand jobs and employers or if employers hire directly for positions on the Global Talent Occupation list. Individuals may also relocate to Canada through intra-company transfers when they work for multinational companies. Business visitor visas offer a short-term option for individuals to participate in international business activities in Canada for 6 months.

While it is unclear how permanent Canada’s work permit program for H-1B holders will be, the sheer demand in application volume for the first trial of the program shows the potential interest of H-1B holders to get out of the USA.

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